Saturday, September 21, 2013

"Wendy K" Poem

Wendy K

Rosy, red cheeks
And a great big smile
Hide a bleeding heart
And a wounded soul

Lovely, black woman
Seems so soft and sweet
A quick laugh
But, hiding behind that smile

Deep down inside
Is a hurting woman
Trying so hard to survive
To be strong

Mom suddenly single
Struggling to raise
Her children alone
Doing all she can

Just to provide
For those she loves
Heart hurting
Pain trapped inside

A lonely spirit
Longing to find peace
Longing to find love
Dying to save her daughter

From her same mistakes
To propel her
Into a better life
Into a better world

Big, rosy cheeks
A laugh that bubbles over
A smile for the masses

Wendy K

Monday, September 16, 2013

Parental Involvement in Education

One of my girlfriends mentioned the importance of helping our children study. She placed an interesting post on Facebook about how our children are struggling in school. This is so true. Our children need help. The teachers are stressed out. They can't go home with these kids. We, as parents, need to step up and do our part. It is not all the school's fault. It is not the total responsibility of the teacher. Parents must do something too. As an educator, I find myself sacrificing my own time at home trying to grade papers, do lesson plans, think of fun activities, and worried about test scores. I realized that I spend more time studying than my students do. It should never be this way.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fall in the Garden, poem

The Fall in the Garden

Fruit so delicious and ripe
Plucked from a poison tree
It’s beauty magnificent to behold
So shiny, so beautiful, so sweet
Only a moment’s hesitation
Silky lies
Fall from serpent lips
Before that fatal bite
Before sin scorched innocent lips
And to thy husband it was given
Death in one juicy bite
An eternity of pain
Mankind to forever live in sorrow

After the fall 

Is Eating Iceberg Lettuce a Waste of Time?

Iceberg Lettuce
It has been said over and over again that iceberg lettuce does not have any nutritional value. But, is this statement true? Is eating iceberg lettuce as waste of time? No. Iceberg lettuce does have some redeeming qualities.
Lettuce is figure friendly. A serving of iceberg lettuce contains about 11 calories, and it is 96% water. This means that it is a great vegetable to eat if you are trying to lose weight. It is low in sodium and low in saturated fat and cholesterol.
Lettuce is a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and Thiamin. Lettuce also provides the body with dietary fiber.
Both Vitamin A and Vitamin C are antioxidants. They work to reduce free radical in the body. Free radicals cause damage to cells that can lead to cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants interact with these free radicals and help to stabilize them. Vitamin A also helps to prevent night blindness. Vitamin C and Vitamin K are anti- inflammatory agents. This means that they work to decrease the amount of inflammation in the body. Increases amounts of inflammation have been linked to cancer, diabetes, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis. 
Vitamin B1, which is known as thiamine, is useful in treating certain types of heart disease. It has been shown to improve the pumping ability of the heart in people with congestive heart failure. Vitamin B6 and B12 also work to help to prevent heart disease.
Iceberg lettuce is also a good source of dietary fiber. Fiber takes longer to digest, and it can help one feel fuller longer.

So, if you think iceberg lettuce has not nutritional value, think again.