Friday, January 1, 2016

Winter Storm Outage Tips You May Not Have Thought Of

Winter Weather Outages Preparation Tips You Might Not Have Thought Of

Winter is finally here, and along with winter comes the possibility of power outages. Sure, you know to insulate the windows and purchase batteries. But did you think of these other important things?

*Have extra blankets and thick clothing available

Have extra blankets and clothes available to use during a winter power outage.  When the power goes out, your home could easily lose its heating source, and you will need the blankets and clothes to keep warm. You and your family should dress in as many layers as possible to keep warm. Keep your head covered since a large percentage of one’s body heat is lost through the head.

It is also a good idea to keep blankets in your car. If you have too, you can use your car for brief periods to access its heater. If you have a wood burning fireplace, it is a good idea to stock up on wood before the weather turns cold.

*Section off the house

Close off most of the rooms in your house. You and your family should gather in one main room like the living room or a bedroom to stay warm.  It is easier to try to heat one room than a whole house. 

*Fill up the gas tanks

Fill up your gas tanks before extremely cold weather strikes.  Gas heaters and gas stoves can help you and your family stay warm. They can also be used to prepare food during the power outage. Don’t forget to also fill up the car with gas. Your car can prove to be a source of heat.  You can use its heater for short periods to keep warm.  Just don’t try to sleep inside your car with it running as this could result in carbon monoxide poisoning.

* Flameless candles and flashlights

With the power out, you and your family will need a way of lighting your home.  Purchase several flashlights and flameless candles. Flameless candles eliminate the dangers of a fire. Have enough flashlights to light several rooms in your home. These will provide a source of lighting.

*Cook perishable food

If you have a way of preparing food, go ahead and cook your perishable food. The food can stay cool for a little while because of the freezing weather, but if the power remains off, it will ruin. Once you have consumed all of the perishable items, then start on the canned goods.

*Bottled water

Stock up on bottled water. Power outages can cause the water to also be off. Purchase enough water to last for at least a week. You will need this water for drinking and preparing food.

*Have a landline phone

When the power goes off at my house, the cordless phone is dead. Cell phones are great, but they also needed to be charges. So, keep at least one landline phone in your home.  .  Having one landline phone will ensure that you still have a way of communicating.

*Prevent frostbite

Protect your extremities and move around as much as possible to keep the blood circulating to your extremities.

* First aid kit

Before the cold weather strikes, have your first aid kit stocked and ready to use. This kit should include gloves, alcohol, cotton balls, bandages, Neosporin, gauzes, and other emergency items that can used if an emergency strikes.

Preparation is the key to surviving a winter power outage. So, be prepared!