Sunday, April 20, 2014

Dove Deep Moisture Nourishing Body Wash Review

As a known coupon addict and bargain shopper, I get to try a variety of products. And, I have tried a lot of body washes. I heard about how good Dove soap and body wash was from my aunt, but I didn’t try Dove until it went on sale and I had a high value coupon for it. Dove Deep Moisture Nourishing Body Wash claims to give a rich lather, to moisturize, and to provide a mild, deep cleaning. Are the claims true?

A small bottle of Dove Moisture Nourishing Body Wash tends to cost a little over $5.00 and a larger bottle can cost from $6.00 up. Although the $5.00 is not a lot of money, I hesitated to buy it because I didn’t want to purchase a product that would irritate my skin. Since Dove promised to be mild, I gave it a try.

I placed a small amount on my bath cloth and added water. It produced a good amount of lather. It also had a gentle, soothing smell. It was soft and creamy to the touch.  I was truly surprised. I loved the smell. In fact, it smells so great that it leaves my bathroom smelling fresh and clean after I finish showering.
So, would I keep using Dove Deep Moisture Nourishing Body Wash? Yes, I will. Even though I am a Nivea girl, I will add this body wash to my cabinet.

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