Saturday, December 7, 2013

Fashion Tips for Teachers

Who said that just because you are a teacher you can’t be a fashion diva?  No, you can’t wear a mini-skirt to work, and it isn’t advised for you to wear the most expensive suit you own. However, you can still be stylish and a positive role model.

Follow the Dress Code
First things first. Always follow your school district’s dress code. You need to know what is allowed and what is not. Some school districts allow teachers to wear sandals while others do not. Some require its female employees to wear stockings while others do not. So, it is important to know what is acceptable in your district.
Choose the Right Color
Just because you are a teacher, it doesn’t mean you have to look boring. You can still look nice and professional at the same time. Unless your school district has specific colors that you can wear, you should choose colors that compliment you when planning or assembling your wardrobe. Choose colors according to what looks best with your skin tone, eye color, and hair color.
If you have a golden complexion or a “warm skin tone”, you should choose warm colors. These colors include red, orange, yellow, coral, and sage green. If you have a “cool skin tone”, you should go with royal blue, purple, pink, white, and emerald green. If you have a “neutral skin tone”, you can wear just about any color.
Make-up can make or break any look. As an educator, you want your students focused on you and not how much lipstick you are wearing. So, one good rule of thumb is to avoid too much make-up. Your make-up should look natural and be subtle.

Your lipstick can attract a lot of attention. Red is the most noticeable color lipstick. However, it can be distracting, and it is also more appropriate for your time way from school. This doesn’t mean that you can’t wear your favorite shade of lipstick. Yes, you can wear red. There are some people who can wear red during the day and get away with, but choose a lighter shade. And, remember, you can always simply apply lip gloss instead of lipstick.
Avoid too many accessories. Children-and adults- can easily become distracted by a lot of noisy bracelets and dangling earrings. Necklaces that are too long can also become a problem when dealing with young children.
Fingernails Count Too
Don’t forget about your nails. They are also a part of your professional look. Extremely long fingernails and outrageous colors can also be distraction and should be avoided. Keep your nails the appropriate length and color. Keep your nails clean and professional. Opt for a good manicure to keep your nails in shape. When choosing color, choose a neutral one and try to avoid distracting colors and designs. Also, try to keep the nails short to medium in length. Dirty, chipped, or half-painted nails may be the result of your busy lifestyle and dedication to the job, but they don’t look professional. So, pay attention to your nails like the rest of your outfit.
Check the Fit
Make sure that your clothes fit properly. The way you dress sends messages to your students, to your principal, and to your parents. Send the message that you are a professional. There is nothing worse than a professional teacher wearing too tight clothes or clothes that are so loose that they look slouchy. If an item is too snug, throw it out. If you have lost several pounds and the outfit is too big, throw it out.
Bring both style and professionalism into your classroom.  Choose colors and styles that give you a polished look.

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