Saturday, April 26, 2014

Martial Submission: A Single Girl's Take



So many women today are independent. And, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with that. There is nothing wrong with being able to pay your own bills and handle your business. I am a single woman, and I am independent. I have to be. I have to do it all myself. Believe me, this gets rough at times. For married women, things are a little different. They don’t have to fight all of their battles alone. They do have the convenience of having a man around (at least he is supposed to be around). With the convenience of a male partner, comes the age old question of marital submission. Should an independent woman submit to her husband?

Before all of you single gals go to roaring in outrage, let’s truly look at the question. Should a wife have to submit to her husband? When I was younger, the answer would have been “no” so fast until it would have made your head spin. However, now I am a little older and a lot wiser. No, I don’t think that a wife should act like a pet and go fetch whenever her husband tells her to. But, I do think that a man is the head of the house, and we should allow them to be just that. Yes, I do believe that my husband-whenever he shows up-should be able to give me some sound advice and I follow it. The reason that I can say this is because I believe that I should have sense enough to marry someone who is intelligent, kind, and godly. So, if my husband loves me and he loves God, I don’t think he would ask me to do anything wrong. I don’t think he would abuse his place as the head of the house or me.

As black women, we are so used to be the leader in our homes. We are not used to letting our men lead us anywhere. We want to be the boss, and we laugh at our friends who allow their husband to help make decisions. Our money is our money. So, we will spend the way we want to. We are not obligated to ask our husbands anything.

You know, men only want a few things from us. They want to be respected. They want to be loved. They want to be honored. So, why can’t we do that? Why can’t we allow them to help us?

As a single lady, I don’t think there is anything wrong with martial submission as long as you are submitting to the right man. Think about it.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Our Children, Us, and Potty-Mouths

We Have Created a Generation of Potty-Mouth Children: Now, What?
I will be the first to admit that there are times when I say words that I really shouldn’t. You know those colorful, choice words that we won’t want our pastor to know that we say. Well, if we are honest, most of us have a potty-mouth. And, sadly, we have that potty-mouth around our children-those poor, trusting souls who look to us for guidance and for an example of how they should behave.
When I was growing up, I knew bad words, and I knew when to use them. I did not use them on church ground. I did not use them near my mother’s friends or any adult for that matter. I respected my elders. Sadly, today’s youth are not that way. They use bad words and are proud of it.
As an elementary school teacher, I was surprise to hear such foul language from such young children. One of my ten year old students said, “Okay. Everyone in here (the classroom) uses curse words.” Wow! Everyone. Every single one of my young students?! Not only do they use curse words, but they talk about sex most of the day. Of course, they try to talk about it in code to keep me from knowing that they are talking about it. But, to think that a ten-year is even thinking about sex is almost unbelievable. So, where did these potty-mouths come from?
Simple. They came from us. When I asked one student why they talked like they do, he promptly told me that he learned all of this from hanging around older kids. And, it is not just the older kids who are teaching these children to curse and talk about sex. It is us.
It is the adults who control what their children see and hear. It is our fault they we are raising a generation that does not respect its elders. It is our fault that our children are having sex at a young age.
So, what you say. What harm is there in a few curse words or a little sexual exploration? Besides, who wants to be a prude? Prudes are no fun. And, isn’t it cute when Little Sue says to cute grown-up curse words? Stop and think about it. Is this really what you want?

Now that you have thought about it. Help change the world. Try to control your tongue. And, I will continue to try to control mine. Each day, I will make an effort to avoid those exciting and far too descriptive words. Please join me. 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Dove Deep Moisture Nourishing Body Wash Review

As a known coupon addict and bargain shopper, I get to try a variety of products. And, I have tried a lot of body washes. I heard about how good Dove soap and body wash was from my aunt, but I didn’t try Dove until it went on sale and I had a high value coupon for it. Dove Deep Moisture Nourishing Body Wash claims to give a rich lather, to moisturize, and to provide a mild, deep cleaning. Are the claims true?

A small bottle of Dove Moisture Nourishing Body Wash tends to cost a little over $5.00 and a larger bottle can cost from $6.00 up. Although the $5.00 is not a lot of money, I hesitated to buy it because I didn’t want to purchase a product that would irritate my skin. Since Dove promised to be mild, I gave it a try.

I placed a small amount on my bath cloth and added water. It produced a good amount of lather. It also had a gentle, soothing smell. It was soft and creamy to the touch.  I was truly surprised. I loved the smell. In fact, it smells so great that it leaves my bathroom smelling fresh and clean after I finish showering.
So, would I keep using Dove Deep Moisture Nourishing Body Wash? Yes, I will. Even though I am a Nivea girl, I will add this body wash to my cabinet.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Realistic Ways to Destress

If you are like me, life can get to be pretty hectic. Things can become overwhelming with trying to juggle a demanding, full-time job, kids, writing, blogging, dating, and all the other things that life throws my way. So, what’s a busy woman to do to stay sane?
  •  Find time for yourself. Carve out a few minutes per day just for yourself. Forget about all those piles of paperwork. Turn the phone off. Spend some time away from the kids and the man in your life. Do something that makes you happy. Paint your nails. Write in your journal. Go for a walk. Listen to some music.
  • Stop worrying about everything. Worrying is not going to change anything. It is only going to give you a headache or anxiety attack. It can lead to heart disease and stroke. So, stop sweating the small stuff.
  •   Stop nagging. Nagging does not work. It will not get you any further. It will only alienate the ones that you love. It will also lead to stress.
  • Exercise. I know. I know. You are too busy to exercise. However, you can squeeze in 30 minutes a day by doing some simple stretches or jogging in place during those commercials. Yoga and meditation are also great-if you have the time.
  • Go to bed. So, you have a big assignment due and you have to get it in. This is okay occasionally. However, this should not be the norm. Sleep is vital. It gives your body the downtime it needs to recharge.
  • Drink more water. Stop reaching for those soda, energy drinks, or large cups of coffee. (Trust me, I am guilty too!) Grab some water instead. Your body needs it to function properly. Plus, it doesn’t have all of those empty calories.