Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Signs You are Attracted to Someone You Hate

You don’t like them. You find this person annoying and obnoxious, and you hate the ground they walk on. Well, at least, you think you do. To be honest, you are not so sure. Although this person gets on our last nerve, you find yourself thinking about them all the time. So, how do you know if you are falling for the person you hate?

Increased Heart Rate

Does your heart seem to pound in your chest whenever you are near this person? Does your breath catch in your throat at the mention of their name? If you find that your heart rate increases every time you see this person, chances are good that you have fallen in love with your enemy.


Do you find yourself sweating whenever this person is around? Are your armpits wet? One of the main signs of attraction is nervousness. And, nervousness can lead to perspiration. Like it or not, you are sexually attracted to the person you claim to hate.

Dreaming About Them              

Do you hate this person so much that they are starting to invade your thoughts? Do you find yourself thinking about them even when you are asleep? If the answer is “yes”, then this is a sign that this has become a love/hate relationship.

Longing to See Them

Do you make petty excuses to check up on them? Do you find yourself cruising by their house or by their job? Although you dislike this person, you find yourself looking for him or her all the time. If your day is not complete until you see the object of your distain, then chances are good that you have fallen in love.


Do you find yourself angry when your enemy is with someone else? Do you secretly long to destroy their relationships? If you find that the green-eyed monster called jealousy shows up every time this person is with someone else, this is a sign that you are in love.

Becoming an Idiot

Do you find yourself stuttering, blushing, or dropping things when the person you despise is in close proximity to you? These are also a signs of sexual attraction. So, if you become a blundering idiot every time your enemy shows up, it is time to stop kidding yourself. You are in love.

There is a thin line between love and hate. If you have any of the symptoms listed above, you have definitely cross the line.

January Writing Prompts

January Journal Writing Topics

Don’t let the frosty winds of January stop you from writing. Warm up with the following January writing prompts.

1.      January 1 is New Year’s Day. Lists 4 of your New Year’s Resolutions and explain your plan for sticking to your goal.

2.      Write a poem about New Year’s Day.

3.      January 3 is the birthday of J. R. R. Tolkien, the author of Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. List 3 of your favorite science fiction stories and explain why you love them.

4.      January 3 is also Fruitcake Toss Day. Research the origin of the Fruitcake. Write about how the tradition of giving fruitcakes began.

5.      Write a poem about snowflakes.

6.      Research snow. Describe how it is formed.

7.      January is National Braille Literary Month. Research Louis Braille. Write a brief paragraph about his life.

8.      January 6th is the birthday of fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. Read one or two of short Sherlock Holmes stories. Write about your favorite one.

9.      Super bowl Sunday is on its way. Research Super bowl Sunday. Discuss its origin.

10.  Winter can be full of strange weather. Snow and ice are not its only forms of precipitation. Some southern states have even had tornadoes on Christmas Day. Write about a winter day you will never forget.

11.  Some animals hibernate in the winter. List 5 of these animals.

12.  Write a letter to Old Man Winter

13.  January 10th is National House Plant Appreciation Day. List 3 benefits of house plants.

14.  January 15th is National Hat Day. If you could design a unique hat, what would it look like?

15.  Dr. Martin Luther King was born on January 20. Research his life. Write about 3 of his major accomplishments.

16.  January 21 is National Hugging Day. It was created in 1986 by Reverend Kevin Zaborney. Research Rev. Zaborney. List 3 facts about his life.

17.  Who would you like to give a hug and why?

18.  January is National Soup Month. Think of your 2 favorite soups. Write a paragraph comparing and contrasting them.

19.  Author Allan Alexander Milne’s was born on January 18. He is the creator of Winnie the Pooh and his friends. Write about your favorite character from Winnie the Pooh.

20.  January 23 is National Pie Day. Research 3 of your favorite pies. Write about how they originated.

21.  January 27 is the birthday of author Lewis Carroll. Carroll is most known for his book Alice in Wonderland. Write about a strange dream that you have had.

Have some wintry fun this January. Use some of the writing prompts listed above.

Tips on Reconnecting with an Estranged Family Member or Loved One

How to Reconnect with an Estranged Family Member

No family is perfect. There are always going to be some up and downs. But, when those downs have led to the estrangement of a loved one, things have gone too far. So, how do you reconnect with an estranged family member? The following are ways to bridge the gap.

Dealing with Pride

It is often difficult to put ones pride aside. However, if you are going to reconnect with an estranged loved one, you are going to have to deal with your self-righteousness and pride. A relationship cannot survive when it is choked down by selfishness. In order to reconnect, you must be willing to admit your part in the conflict and accept responsibility for your actions. You will also have to allow yourself to be emotionally vulnerable.


Evaluate your part in the conflict. Accept responsibility for your actions and words. Now, be willing to apologize for your role in the disagreement. Don’t place blame. Don’t accuse. Forgive and move forward. And, when you make contact with the estranged family member, don’t expect them to apologize. You accept responsibility for your role. Apologize even if you don’t feel that you are the one who caused the problem.

Make first contact

Once you have dealt with your pride and hurt feelings, you need to make contact with the estranged family member. Although some people recommend writing a letter first, this can be impersonal. You can initiate contact by picking up the phone and making a call. But, be sure to practice what you will say before you make the call. Be prepared for reject, anger, and possible accusations. Don’t give in to your own hurt feelings and lash out. Instead, try to focus on the bigger picture. Remember that you care about this person and want to repair your relationship. Try to keep the conversation on neutral ground. For this first call, express your desire to reconnect. Then, limit your conversation and the amount of time you spend on the phone.

Be Patient

It takes time to reconnect. Trust and respect must be rebuilt, and this takes time. So, be prepared to wait. Months or even years of anger and hurt will not heal overnight. And, accept that things have changed and they may never be the same again.

Learn Coping Strategies

Now that you have made the first move and initiated contact, you will need to have some coping strategies. Things will not be perfect. You may want to avoid touchy issues at first. But, after a while you will need to confront the issue that tore you apart to begin with. Be prepared. Be calm. And, be willing to listen without getting angry or making judging.

Don’t waste your time mourning over an estranged family member. Reconnect and rebuild relationships.

How Can You Tell He Wants to AskYou Out?

Signs He Wants to Ask You Out

You have met a guy that you think is attractive. You really like him, but you are wondering if he feels the same way. We have all been there. So, how do you know if he wants to ask you out or if he just wants to be friends? The following are things that I have noticed when a guy wants to ask you out. 

Showing Off

In nature, it is the male of the species that has to convince the female to mate with them. Male birds have colorful feathers. And, other male animals must have to fight in order to earn the right to mate. Human males may not have to actually fight in order to win a female, but they do tend to show off when they are trying to impress a woman. So, if the guy in question is constantly showing off or bragging, he is trying to impress you.

Small Gifts

Does this guy give you small, unexpected gifts? Does he leave you sweet messages or memos? If he does, this could be another sign that he is interested in you.

Helping Out

Another way a guy will let you know that he is interested in you is by helping out. He will offer to help with your bags, tote things to your car, or offer to help you finish important assignments. If he is always around when you need a hand, chances are good that he wants to be more than friends.

Discouraging other Males

Men are naturally territorial. Just like animals in nature mark their territory, so do human males. If you discover that his guy has been discouraging other guy from asking you out, it is because je wants to ask you out himself.

Unexpected Visits

Does this guy make excuses to see you? Does he stop by your desk or job just to say “Hello” or to deliver messages that could have waited? If he is going out of his way to see you, he is trying to let you know that he is interested in you.

Includes You in Important Decisions

Does this guy ask your opinion about important issues? Does he include you in the decision making process? If he does, this is his way of letting you know that your opinion is important to him.

Accidental Touching

Does this guy seem to always “accidentally” touching your arms, hands, shoulders, or hair? Touching is a sure sign of attraction. If he is constantly finding excuses to touch you, he is definitely attracted to you and he wants to ask you out.

Stop wondering if he is attracted to you or if you are just imagining things. The above are signs that he wants to ask you out.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

5 Simple Financial Moves I Plan to Make in 2014

As the New Year approaches, you may be evaluated your life and decide on changes that you want to make. Some of these changes need to be financial changes. The following are some simple but effective financial changes that I plan to make in the upcoming year in order to transform my finances. These changes may also work for you.

Set Financial Goals

The first financial step you will need to make involves financial planning. You should set financial goals for the upcoming year. These goals will not only be for the New Year, but for years to come. You should decide what you want to accomplish financially. I know that I want to start saving more money. I know that I want to build a financial foundation for my son. I also know I want to increase my income. So, even if all I want to do is build up my financial portfolio, I know I will need to sit down and think about what my financial goals are. Then, I will have to decide how much money I will need to make or save in order to reach those financial goals. And, you should do the same. Decide what you want to accomplish financial in the upcoming year.

Do an Inventory

Next, I will do a financial inventory. This will allow me to see how much money I actually have. This financial inventory will include the money I have in my checking account and any other assets that I might have.  If I had stocks, bonds, or CDs, I would include them. If you have any of these things, you will also need to include them in your financial inventory.


Next, I will need to decide which of my financial goals is the most important. I will need to see where I need to concentrate my efforts the most. You should also do the same.


There is the hard part. In order to make financial changes, I will have to do some research. Because I was not a business major and I don’t know anything about the stock market, I will have to do some research. I need to know how to buy stocks, which programs to invest money in, and how to increase my income. Some of the ways I can do that is by attending financial workshops, taking classes, taking with other entrepreneurs, purchasing books on the topic, and even researching the information in the internet.

Pay Yourself

I must learn how to pay myself first. I have heard it said all the time, but I will admit that I rarely do it. I will need to change this habit. I will have to start with adjusting my budget to make this accommodation.  If you haven’t already, you should consider making this financial change too.


Although I don’t know a whole lot about invest, I do know it is something I want to do in the upcoming year. I also know that it will take at least $500.00 to $1, 000.00 to purchase stock. So, I will be spending some time researching how to invest and what steps I need to take to begin making money.

These are five financial changes I plan to make in the upcoming year. They may also work for you.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Scandal's latest episode.

Okay, "Scandal" fans. If you watched Thursday's show, I would love to know what you think. I personally was disappointed. I feel like the writers really dropped the ball on this one. Why in the world would they let Huck torture Quinn? Why not let them get together. Quinn obviously likes him. However, Huck is so antisocial until it is sad. I hope this weeks is better.

Fashion Tips for Teachers

Who said that just because you are a teacher you can’t be a fashion diva?  No, you can’t wear a mini-skirt to work, and it isn’t advised for you to wear the most expensive suit you own. However, you can still be stylish and a positive role model.

Follow the Dress Code
First things first. Always follow your school district’s dress code. You need to know what is allowed and what is not. Some school districts allow teachers to wear sandals while others do not. Some require its female employees to wear stockings while others do not. So, it is important to know what is acceptable in your district.
Choose the Right Color
Just because you are a teacher, it doesn’t mean you have to look boring. You can still look nice and professional at the same time. Unless your school district has specific colors that you can wear, you should choose colors that compliment you when planning or assembling your wardrobe. Choose colors according to what looks best with your skin tone, eye color, and hair color.
If you have a golden complexion or a “warm skin tone”, you should choose warm colors. These colors include red, orange, yellow, coral, and sage green. If you have a “cool skin tone”, you should go with royal blue, purple, pink, white, and emerald green. If you have a “neutral skin tone”, you can wear just about any color.
Make-up can make or break any look. As an educator, you want your students focused on you and not how much lipstick you are wearing. So, one good rule of thumb is to avoid too much make-up. Your make-up should look natural and be subtle.

Your lipstick can attract a lot of attention. Red is the most noticeable color lipstick. However, it can be distracting, and it is also more appropriate for your time way from school. This doesn’t mean that you can’t wear your favorite shade of lipstick. Yes, you can wear red. There are some people who can wear red during the day and get away with, but choose a lighter shade. And, remember, you can always simply apply lip gloss instead of lipstick.
Avoid too many accessories. Children-and adults- can easily become distracted by a lot of noisy bracelets and dangling earrings. Necklaces that are too long can also become a problem when dealing with young children.
Fingernails Count Too
Don’t forget about your nails. They are also a part of your professional look. Extremely long fingernails and outrageous colors can also be distraction and should be avoided. Keep your nails the appropriate length and color. Keep your nails clean and professional. Opt for a good manicure to keep your nails in shape. When choosing color, choose a neutral one and try to avoid distracting colors and designs. Also, try to keep the nails short to medium in length. Dirty, chipped, or half-painted nails may be the result of your busy lifestyle and dedication to the job, but they don’t look professional. So, pay attention to your nails like the rest of your outfit.
Check the Fit
Make sure that your clothes fit properly. The way you dress sends messages to your students, to your principal, and to your parents. Send the message that you are a professional. There is nothing worse than a professional teacher wearing too tight clothes or clothes that are so loose that they look slouchy. If an item is too snug, throw it out. If you have lost several pounds and the outfit is too big, throw it out.
Bring both style and professionalism into your classroom.  Choose colors and styles that give you a polished look.


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Best Man Holiday

If you haven't already, you must go see "Best Man Holiday". This movie will make you laugh and cry at the same time. it is definitely better than the original 1999 movie. And, let's not forget that it contains some of the best looking men black men in Hollywood. Wow!!! What you say!
And, can you believe that this movie was a box office hit that almost beat out "Thor"? Just think. It made over 30.1 million at the box office. How much more would it have made at the box office if people will stop bootlegging movies.?

Sunday, November 24, 2013

How to Adjust Your Attitude and Save Your Relationship

How to Adjust Your Attitude and Save Your Relationship
You’ve heard the old saying, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” Thankfully, this is not true. It doesn’t matter if you are married, in a serious relationship, or just dating. It is almost impossible for a relationship to work if you are always negative. So, what do you do if you want your relationship to work, but you have an “attitude issue”.
Admit Your Problem
You have already made the first step. You have admitted that you have an attitude problem, and it is having a negative effect on your relationship. Now, you can begin to change it.
Identify the Cause
After you have taken the first step and admitted that you have an attitude problem, you will need to identify the cause of the problem. Take a few minutes and think about what has happened to you in the past to help to create your present attitude. Ask yourself why you are so bitter. Ask yourself why you respond to your partner the way that you do. There is always a cause. This means doing some real soul searching. But, if you really want to save your relationship, you must be willing to dig deep.
Commit to Change
Once you have identified the cause of your negative attitude, you must commit to change that attitude. You must make a conscious decision to change the way you react to situations.
Focus on the Good Things
Instead of focusing on all the things that are wrong with your relationship, focus on what is right about it. How? Start by making a list of all the good things about your partner and about your relationship. Put this list in a place where you can see it. Read the list out loud to yourself two or three times a day. As you do this, you will begin to notice a change in the way that you look at your relationship and your partner.
Be Positive
Stop being so negative. Stop bickering. Stop accusing. After years of negativity, this can be hard to do. However, it can be done. Make the decision to be positive. Surround yourself with positive people. Visualize yourself being happy. Visualize your relationship with your partner being happy and healthy.
Choose to Forgive
So often, our negative attitudes are the result of someone else’s choices. In order to make your relationship work, you have to choose to forgive. Forgive the person who hurt you. Let go of the past. Stop holding your present partner accountable for something your old partner did. Forgive your old partner and move on. If your present partner is the cause of your bitterness, talk to your partner. Get everything out in the open and then move on. Don’t spend valuable time dwelling on old issues. If you can’t forgive your partner, then it may be time to let the relationship go.
Get Moving
Start exercising. This will help to get oxygen flowing throughout your body. It will also help the body to release dopamine and endorphins, hormones that cause feelings of well-being.
Keep a Diary
Start keeping a diary. Keeping a diary is a great way to help you get a grip on your attitude. Whenever you feel yourself starting to become negative or angry with your partner, write it down.  By writing down your frustrations, you can self-reflect, identify the cause of negative thoughts, and change those thoughts and behaviors.

Don’t allow your negative attitude to destroy your relationship. Make a conscious decision to change your attitude and save your relationship.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Romantic Things to Do for Thanksgiving

Are you wondering how to turn your Thanksgiving into a romantic event? Then, stop guessing. Use the following ideas to turn this Thanksgiving into a day for two.
Love leaf
What is a “love leaf”? It is the same as love letter. The only difference is that the love letter is composed using a large, fall leaf to form the background. Search through those beautiful leaves that are falling all around you. Find a large one. Write or type your love note in small letters. Cut it out. Place it on top of your leaf. Press your love note and your leaf together between contact paper. Then, place the leaves between the pages in a large book to flatten them. Once the leaf is flattened, cut it away from the contact paper and deliver your “love leaf”.
Pumpkin patch
Those big, round pumpkins are synonymous with fall. As the cool weather sets in, turn pumpkin carving into a romantic affair. Plan a romantic trip to your local pumpkin patch.  The two of you can pick out pumpkins together for the holiday. Once you have chosen your pumpkin, head back home, and get started carving them together.
A hayride is a great way to spend a romantic Thanksgiving together. You can schedule a hayride or you can opt to decorate your own wagon and have a friend chauffeur the two of you around. So, grab a blanket and head out for a special evening of fun.
Bonfire on the beach
Sitting around a large bonfire on the beach at night can be romantic. Gather some kindling, long logs, and a pack of matches. And, don’t forget the blankets and hot cocoa.
Go for a walks
Walking is good for your health and your romance life. Nature is alive with fall colors and scenes. Take your loved one on a walk this Thanksgiving. You can go for a nature walk in the park or at one of the national parks in your area.
Football games
Football season is in full swing, and more than most likely there is a game schedule for Thanksgiving Day.  If your date loves sports, then a football game is just the thing. Pack a blanket and snuggly up while cheering your favorite team.
Dinner by the fire
Instead of the usual full course meal, have a small romantic dinner by the fire. Have some of your favorite Thanksgiving dishes, but only in a scaled down version. Light the fire and snuggle. If you don’t have a traditional fireplace, don’t worry. Just pick a cozy room in your home and enjoy a simple dinner for two.

Thanksgiving is a traditional family holiday. However, you don’t have to spend it with tons of family members. You can make this holiday just as romantic as Valentine’s Day. 

Ways to Enjoy Fall in the South

If you are fortunate enough to live in the South, you know how magnificent fall can be. The leaves are changing, and the weather is getting cooler. Don’t let the cooler temperatures and beautiful landscape go to waste. Get out and enjoy fall.
Nature Walks
Take the children on a nature walk. This is one of the best ways for both you and your children to enjoy the fall. You can point out the different colors of autumn leaves and other forest vegetation. Pay special attention to the plants that grow during this time of the year like Golden Rod, Lemon Queen Sunflowers, and Chrysanthemums.
The South has an abundance of forest and wildlife. Take advantage of this lush land. One of the best ways to do that is by hunting. Hunting is a great way to get you and the kids outdoors, and to stock your freezer for the winter. Just be sure that you and your children following hunting safety rules.
Harvest Tea
In the South, we are known for our tea. Just because the weather gets cooler, it doesn’t mean that you have to put down your tea glass. When the cooler weather sets in, host a fall tea party. A fall tea party is called “A Harvest Tea”. This is a tea party where the participants each bring a dish that matches one of the fall colors. These colors include brown, gold, white, and red. These autumn-themed dishes are then placed on a table that is decorated the same color. So, invite your friends over and have a Harvest Tea Party at your house or in your backyard.
Sunday Drive
In the South, we are known for our laid back way of life. This Sunday, keep up the tradition. Slow down from the hustle and bustle and go for a nice, slow Sunday drive. Be sure to enjoy the beautiful leaves, bales of hay, pumpkin patches, and other nice scenery.
Don’t just rake up the leaves in your yard. Collect some of those beautiful leaves, and make a scrapbook using the fall foliage. Take individual leaf and press it together between contact paper. Then, place the leaves between the pages in a large book to flatten them.  Once the leaves are flattened, you are ready to add them to the scrapbook with your favorite autumn pictures.
Quilting is another southern tradition. Quilting can be done all year, but autumn and quilting just seem to go together. Start by finding a pattern that you like. Pick out your fabric. Carefully place your pattern on top of the fabric. Pin the pattern to the material. Cut out the design. Grab the sewing machine or some needle and thread. Finally, you are ready to start. You can do this by yourself or making it into a fun family event. Quilting is fun, and it is a way to help eliminate stress.
Go for a hayride this autumn. Decorate the family wagon or tractor. Grab a nice warm blanket. Jump on the wagon, and you are all set to go.

Take advantage of the cooler weather and beautiful, southern scenery. Do some of the fun, fall activities above. 

Sunday, November 17, 2013

New York's New Mayor, Bill de Blasio, and Interracial Marriage.

Who said interracial marriages can't work or that white men don't even consider black women as partners? The biggest question has been would a white man with his eyes on a political office commit political suicide by marrying a black woman? During the last election, people dug up the fact that Paul Ryan had dated a black woman in college. So, what? Well, every since Bill de Blasio was elected people have become fascinated with his wife, Chirlane. His wife is an African-American woman. No, she isn't Beyoncé. No, she is not Halle Berry. She is a strong, beautiful black woman in her own right. And, her presence at her husband's side says, "Yes, a white man with his eyes on a political office can love and marry a black woman.


Scandal Season 3 Latest Episode

I know I' m a little late, but I just finished watching the episode from Thursday night. My goodness! I love the show, but I think it is starting to go off the deep end a little. I hope the pull back from some of this. Mellie was raped by her father-in-law. Her oldest son could possibly be her father-in-law's child. Quinn has been set up. This is so whack. I'm just waiting to see who Olivia will be pregnant by, when they will kill Jake, and what will Huck do to save Quinn. Also, I can't wait to see who kills Olivia's father.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Black Women and Nasty Attitudes

While shopping in Walmart yesterday, I encountered the famous "black woman" attitude. The store was crowded. I stopped to let another shopper- a black woman go by. She also stopped. I said, "You can go." She stood there. When I decided to go, the nasty-mouth, overweight, black woman decided to say, "That's so dumb. You so dumb anyway. You just standing there." What's up? Why can't we be nice. I see why other races think we are rude.WE ARE RUDE!!! I realize that this is a negative statement, but God knows, it is true. Why can't we put the drama behind us and move on. Why do we feel obligated to get smart with people? Why do we have to be so loud? Why can't we learn to control our attitudes? Then, we wonder why our black men are dating other women. http://voices.yahoo.com/black-women-relationships-attitude-ruining-11927541.html

Southern Cotton

Southern Cotton

Beautiful, soft
Like floating on a cloud
Deceptive façade
Even amid the green
Covering acre after acre
Of the Mississippi Delta
Splattered of red
The Old King of the South
Destroyer of lives
Creator of rot and decay
So fluffy
So soft

Southern cotton

Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Black Man's Guide to Recognizing a Good Black Woman

Black men: Guide to Recognizing a Good Black Woman
Many men complain that they can’t find a good woman.  This is not true. There are good women out there. The trick is to know what to look for in a woman in the first place. So, what traits should a good black man look for in a woman?
#1: Provider
Yes, you-the black man- should be the provider of the family. However, a good black woman is willing to pitch in and help out. No, you shouldn’t be looking for a woman to take care of you, but you should be looking for one who will help make sure that the family is taken care of. She will help provide for the emotional, physical, and financial needs of the family. How do you know if the woman you are dating is a provider? Observe her. Watch how she treats her parents, her children, or her friends.
#2: Dependable
A good black woman is dependable. Her family can rely on her to have food on the table and to be there even when times are hard. She doesn’t leave you or the family holding the bag.  If the woman you are currently dating is already showing signs that she is unreliable, it may be time to mark her off of your list of potential mates.
#3: Trustworthy
Can you trust the woman you are dating? Can you leave town for weeks or even months without having to worry about her cheating on you? If you give her bill money, does she actually pay the bill? Stop and think about it.
#4: Caring
A good black woman is caring. She is concerned about you. She often inquires about your health. She wants to know how your family is doing. She cares about her community and her country.
#5: Financially responsible
When I say “financially responsible”, I am not talking just about a woman with an excellent credit report. I am talking about a woman who knows how to manage her money. She is not a shopaholic. She knows how to stretch her dollar, and how to plan financially for the future.  This woman will not keep you or herself in debt. If she has made some mistakes in the past, she has identified them and is working through them. So, make sure that you discuss finances with your potential mate before the wedding.
#6: Resolved old issues
A good black woman has resolved any issues from her past relationships. She is not bitter or resentful. She is not fussing or nagging all the time. She has let go of the attitude. And, she has learned to trust a black man and how to elevate and praise him.

So, guy, if you are wondering about the woman you are dating, just do a little inventory. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

"Wendy K" Poem

Wendy K

Rosy, red cheeks
And a great big smile
Hide a bleeding heart
And a wounded soul

Lovely, black woman
Seems so soft and sweet
A quick laugh
But, hiding behind that smile

Deep down inside
Is a hurting woman
Trying so hard to survive
To be strong

Mom suddenly single
Struggling to raise
Her children alone
Doing all she can

Just to provide
For those she loves
Heart hurting
Pain trapped inside

A lonely spirit
Longing to find peace
Longing to find love
Dying to save her daughter

From her same mistakes
To propel her
Into a better life
Into a better world

Big, rosy cheeks
A laugh that bubbles over
A smile for the masses

Wendy K

Monday, September 16, 2013

Parental Involvement in Education

One of my girlfriends mentioned the importance of helping our children study. She placed an interesting post on Facebook about how our children are struggling in school. This is so true. Our children need help. The teachers are stressed out. They can't go home with these kids. We, as parents, need to step up and do our part. It is not all the school's fault. It is not the total responsibility of the teacher. Parents must do something too. As an educator, I find myself sacrificing my own time at home trying to grade papers, do lesson plans, think of fun activities, and worried about test scores. I realized that I spend more time studying than my students do. It should never be this way.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fall in the Garden, poem

The Fall in the Garden

Fruit so delicious and ripe
Plucked from a poison tree
It’s beauty magnificent to behold
So shiny, so beautiful, so sweet
Only a moment’s hesitation
Silky lies
Fall from serpent lips
Before that fatal bite
Before sin scorched innocent lips
And to thy husband it was given
Death in one juicy bite
An eternity of pain
Mankind to forever live in sorrow

After the fall