Monday, July 15, 2013

"After Earth" 2013 Movie Review

The human race has been forced to evacuate Earth because the changes in the planet's climate. Humans have move to a new planet named Nova Prime. There is one problem with Nova Prime. The S’krell, alien invaders, also want to inhabit Nova Prime, and they have no intention of share this planet with humans. The S’Krell uses the Ursas, large beasts, to try to annihilate the human race. The Ursas cannot see, but they can smell fear. It is this fear that makes humans an easy target. General Cypher Raige (Will Smith) has learned how to defeat the Ursas. He has learned how to “ghost”. "Ghosting" is when one does not give in to his fear. He realizes that the danger is real, but that fearing that danger is a choice. So, is "After Earth" worth watching? 

"After Earth" is directed by M. Night Shyamalan. M. Night Shyamalan tries again given us a film that does not live up to its full potential. The promise is there, but it just isn't utilized. I feel that the film might have been better if other members of the crew had survived. I would also have liked to see more of the dangers that existed on Earth.
 Jaden’s acting is not extraordinary, but it does have promise. And, I look forward to seeing him in other work.

Will Smith disappoints fans in this film. He does not give the performance that his fans have come to expect. “After Earth” is not one of Will Smith’s best performances, but it is not a total disaster. His character just lacked the warmth needed to make "After Earth" more interesting.

The picture was visually beautiful. I felt like was in the lush green forest of the film. My hats off to set designer Rosemary Brandenburg and the other special effects artist for this.

“After Earth” is rated PG-13. This is an accurate rating. The images in the movie can prove to be very frightening for a young audience. The movie runs for 1 hour and 40 minutes. On a scale of 1 to 5 (with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest), I would give this movie a 3. Although it isn’t a sci-fi thriller, it is a great movie. And, I look forward to purchasing it once it is released.

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