Friday, January 3, 2014

5 Simple Things that Can Improve Your Relationship

5 Things that Can Improve Your Relationship

Is your relationship on the rocks? Are you wondering what you can do to save it? Having a successful relationship takes time, effort, and dedication. The following are 5 simple things that you can do to improve your relationship.

Stop nagging

Who wants to listen to a person grip and complain all day? I certainly don’t, and neither does you partner. So, stop all the nagging and complaining. Sure, your partner forgot to take the trash out, and he left the seat up on the toilet again. But, what is nagging and complaining going to accomplish? The trash will still be in the same place and the toilet seat will still be up.

Do you want to know the solution? Instead of nagging, try a different approach. Tell your partner how thankful you are to have them. Tell them how much you appreciate all the nice things that they do for you around the house like taking the trash out and remembering to let the toilet seat down. If this doesn’t work, then leave them little reminders all around the house.

Adjust Your Attitude

Change your attitude and the way you look at things. Start by doing a self-check. Ask yourself why your partner’s behavior irritates you so much. Ask yourself why you respond to your partner the way that you do. Is the real issue the trash or is there something else more serious going on in your relationship? Do you feel that your partner is neglecting you? Once you have done some soul-searching, you must make a conscious decision to change the way you respond to your partner.  Don’t ignore major issues in your relationship. However, instead of focusing on all of things that are wrong with your relationship, focus on the positive.

 Respect Your Partner

This can be a hard one. However, it is vital part of making your relationship work. You must learn how to respect your partner. You can start by actively listening to what they have to say. Learn how to be sensitive to their needs. Don’t humiliate them in front of their friends, family, or children. And, show them that you value them and their opinion.


You can’t always have your way. A relationship involves two people. And, at some point, the two of you are going to disagree. To make your relationship succeed, you will need to learn how to compromise. Listen to your partner’s side. Explain your side without shouting. Weigh the pros and cons of both sides and come to a compromise. 


Who doesn’t want to be appreciated? Learn how to praise your mate. Take notice of all of the small things they do and compliment them on them. Say nice things to your mate. Leave love notes. Make them feel valued. Don’t overdo it or sound phony. Something as simple as saying “Thank you” can be enough.

Don’t let the love fizzle out of your relationship. Make 5 simple adjustments and improve your relationship.

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