Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Realistic Ways to Destress

If you are like me, life can get to be pretty hectic. Things can become overwhelming with trying to juggle a demanding, full-time job, kids, writing, blogging, dating, and all the other things that life throws my way. So, what’s a busy woman to do to stay sane?
  •  Find time for yourself. Carve out a few minutes per day just for yourself. Forget about all those piles of paperwork. Turn the phone off. Spend some time away from the kids and the man in your life. Do something that makes you happy. Paint your nails. Write in your journal. Go for a walk. Listen to some music.
  • Stop worrying about everything. Worrying is not going to change anything. It is only going to give you a headache or anxiety attack. It can lead to heart disease and stroke. So, stop sweating the small stuff.
  •   Stop nagging. Nagging does not work. It will not get you any further. It will only alienate the ones that you love. It will also lead to stress.
  • Exercise. I know. I know. You are too busy to exercise. However, you can squeeze in 30 minutes a day by doing some simple stretches or jogging in place during those commercials. Yoga and meditation are also great-if you have the time.
  • Go to bed. So, you have a big assignment due and you have to get it in. This is okay occasionally. However, this should not be the norm. Sleep is vital. It gives your body the downtime it needs to recharge.
  • Drink more water. Stop reaching for those soda, energy drinks, or large cups of coffee. (Trust me, I am guilty too!) Grab some water instead. Your body needs it to function properly. Plus, it doesn’t have all of those empty calories.    

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