Sunday, June 1, 2014

Signs Your Girlfriend is Too Young for You

All relationships have their up and downs. However, if you are experiencing more downs than ups and your girlfriend’s behavior is driving you nuts, you may be left wondering if your girlfriend is actually a little too immature for you. So, is it you or is your girlfriend too young for you?

Extremely sensitive

Criticism can be hard to take for anyone. However, a mature person takes it in stride. They realize that constructive criticism is actually helpful. People who are immature view any form of criticism as an attack against them. If your girlfriend is instantly offended if you offer her any type of advice, she is probably too young for you. Your girlfriend is still too emotionally immature to accept constructive criticism or advice.


Mature people are responsible. They take responsibility for themselves and their behavior. A mature person is accountable for the things that happen to them. They also don’t try to blame others when things go wrong in their lives. If your girlfriend never wants to be held accountable for anything, she is too young for you. Ask yourself if you can trust her to pay the bills on time or to make any type of serious decisions.

Needs instant gratification

People who are emotionally immature need immediate gratification. If your girlfriend is one of those people who must have what she wants the instant that she wants it, she is too immature. She is only capable of thinking of herself.  Your girlfriend is too young for you if you have grown past this stage in your life.


Is your girlfriend self-centered? Does she talk about herself constantly? Selfishness is another sign of immaturity.


Do you find yourself annoyed by your girlfriend’s constant calling, texting, or showing up at your house unannounced? If your girlfriend is doing these things, then she is needy. Needy people are demanding. They insist on having your undivided attention. If your girlfriend’s needy behavior is annoying you, then she may not be mature enough to be involved in a serious relationship yet.

Not willing to compromise

No two people will always agree. This is the reason that compromise is so important in relationships. Compromise requires listening, and an immature person is unable to listen to anyone’s need other than their own. Your girlfriend’s inability to compromise is another sign that she is too young for you.

Have you been wondering about your girlfriend’s maturity level? Regardless of your girlfriend’s age, she is too young for you if she exhibits any of the warning signs listed above.

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