Saturday, June 14, 2014

Warnings Your Relationship Could Be Ending

Everyone’s been there.  You have a major fight with your partner and you wonder is it over.  Maybe it wasn’t just this fight.  Maybe there have been several lately.  So, what are the signs that your relationship is over?  Here are some of the warning signs that your relationship is in trouble:


You find yourself resenting the other person.  This can happen when you or your partner feels misunderstood or unappreciated.  Each member of a relationship needs to know that they matter.  Recognize that each of your dreams and goals are important. Try telling your partner what is wrong.  They may not even realize there is one. Constant criticism and resentment can kill any relationship.

Old issues keep resurfacing

You find that you are both arguing about the same things over and over again.  By not resolving the old issues, you have allowed resentment to set in.  Once an issue is discussed and dealt with, it should not be revisited.  Move on.  Relationships cannot grow without progress. Bring up dead issues will only kill the relationship.

Lack of intimacy

Sure, you may still be having sex, but are you intimate with each other?  Intimacy includes touching, hugging, and kissing.  These simple things are the glue that holds any relationship together.  When they are gone, beware. Your relationship is not far behind.

Sex life suddenly changes

Does having sex with your partner seem like a chore?  Maybe it’s the other way around, and they seem like they are avoiding having sex with you.  A lagging libido can signal serious trouble. Avoiding sex can be a result of resentment, an affair, or the fact that one of you has check out emotionally.  Don’t withhold sex as a form of punishment.  This will only cause more resentment and push them further away.

Lack of communication

Communication is the foundation of any relationship.  It is by talking that you learn what matters to each other. If all you’re doing is arguing, then you are not actively listening. Nothing is being resolved.  Silence is also deadly. If there is no communication at all, the relationship is doomed.  You have to talk to your partner in order to find out what is wrong and how to fix it. 

Sudden change in work schedule

Has your partner’s work schedule changed suddenly?  Are they working more or have longer work hours?  This could mean one of three things.  One, there is the possibility of an affair.  Two, they are avoiding spending time with you.  Three, they may actually have had a sudden change in their work schedule.  Either way, it does not hurt to be observant and watch for other signs that working late is not truly working late.

Just because your partner exhibits signs of jealousy, it doesn’t always mean they are in madly in love with you.  This is one sure sign of infidelity.  It can also signal that they have lost confidence in your relationship. 

Thinking about life without them

If you find yourself fantasizing about a life without your partner, you have already emotionally left the relationship. Whether you’re in a marriage or another type of partnership, there has to be an emotional investment.  Once that investment is gone, there is nothing left.

Relationships take time and effort.  Disagreements are normal. However, if you find yourself experiencing any of the above signs, take the time and do an evaluation of your relationship. Chances are it’s headed for trouble.

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