Saturday, June 14, 2014

How to Get Rid of Persistant Suitors

How to Handle Pushy Suitors

He has bought you flowers, called constantly, and pledged his undying love, but you are not interested. You have tried to drop hints, but he doesn’t seem to be taking them.  As a matter of fact, the whole thing is starting to get on your nerves. Push suitors can be annoying. So, how do you let them down without hurting their feelings?

Be upfront but kind

Tell him or her the truth.  Kindly let them know that you are just not interested in having a relationship with them.  Discourage any further gifts or annoying calls.  Saying, “I’m not interested right now,” will only give them the impression that there is a chance for them in the near future. If you don’t feel that this will happen, it is better to simply tell them that they are not your type and end it at that.

Remember to be firm

Some people take kindness for weakness.  Be firm when you say “no”.  Don’t give them the impression that calling you at a later time is okay.  Make sure they understand that you will not change your mind simply because they continue to send you gifts.  Of course, be nice, but make sure they know that “no” means “no”.

Let others know what is going on:

Hopefully, you are not dealing with a stalker, but some suitors feel free to invite themselves to your job and/or home. In this event, be sure to let your friends and family know what is going on.  It is scary to think that someone who has a crush on you could be dangerous, but it can happen. Be safe and take precautions. Let your friends help run interference. Try not to be caught off somewhere alone with this person.  Even if they are not dangerous, it is so easy to get talked into doing something you really don’t want to do. Having a friend or family member around can help you out of a tight spot.


If all else fails, avoid them. Don’t accept their gifts.  Don’t take calls from them.  If you need to, change up your routine. Take a different route to work. Shop at another store. Hopefully, after a short time, they will get the hint.

 Everyone likes a little attention but not when it comes from someone you are not interested in. Letting an unwanted, pushy suitor down easy can be tricky.  Play it safe by letting your friends and family know what is going. Be kind but firm.

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