Saturday, June 14, 2014

Signs He is Thinking of Breaking Up with You

Warning Signs Your Relationship is in Trouble
Has your relationship changed lately?  Does your boyfriend seem cold or distant?  You have alos noticed that the two of you are spending less and less time together, and you are beginning to wonder if maybe this is the end.  You would like to work things out, but you don’t know if he feels the same.  How do you know if your boyfriend is thinking about breaking up the relationship?  Look for the following signs.


One of the first signs that your boyfriend is thinking about calling it quits is that he is spending less and less time with you.  In fact, he is avoiding you.  He won’t take your calls, and he goes out of his way to avoid the places that he knows you will be.  Your boyfriend is avoiding you because he no longer enjoys your company, and he just hasn’t gotten around to telling you yet that is over.

*Old issues keep surfacing

In order for a relationship to progress, you have to deal with issues that come up.  However, once an issue is dealt with, it should not continue to be a cause of tension in your relationship.  If your boyfriend is constantly bringing up old issues, he has not moved past the issue or he is looking for a convenient excuse to end your relationship.


Whether he says anything or not, you can tell there is still a lot of left-over resentment.  How can you tell?  For one, he is avoiding looking at you.  Next, he seems annoyed whenever you talk to him.  Although he may not have said anything, he is probably still holding in angry feelings. When resentment is unresolved, the relationship is in death throes.


Your boyfriend suddenly starts putting in longer hours at work, and you may notice that he has become very secretive. He makes excuses to take calls in the other room.  You find strange numbers on his cell phone, and he won’t give you an explanation.  You question him about his new work habits or strange phone calls at odd hours, and he becomes angry and refuses to talk.  These are all the signs of an affair.  Although affairs can be worked through, they are a sign that something is wrong with the relationship, and he could have already picked out your replacement.

*Don’t talk anymore

The more a couple communicates the better their relationship is.  They are able to discuss any problems or other issues that may come up.  If you and your boyfriend have stopped talking look out. The end is near.  

*No intimacy

Your boyfriend no longer wants to be intimate. Intimacy is not always about sex.  It’s about spending time together and sharing. This emotional bonding is the glue that holds all relationships together. As human beings, people need to connect with one another.  If your boyfriend is not connecting with you, he is probably connecting emotionally with someone else.

*Decreased sex drive

Sex, like intimacy, is an important part of your relationship.  If he no longer wants to have sex with you, chances are good that he has found someone else to take care of that need for him.  Maybe you are still enjoying a decent sex life; however, you sense that something is not quite right.  He is physically with you, but emotionally distant. This can signal an affair and that your boyfriend is preparing to break-up with you. 

It is very rare that a break-up comes out of the blue.  Most of the time, the person doing the breaking-up has been thinking about it for a while, and if you are truly honest with yourself, there were warnings signs.  If your boyfriend is displaying any of the signs above, chances are he is planning on breaking-up with you. So, put on a brave face and have a heart to heart conversation with your boyfriend.

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